PressJahn Press Service
Society e.V.
Our service for journalists, editors, online portals, bloggers, travel industry players, clubs and associations:
Here you will find the press releases of the Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Gesellschaft. In addition, we offer general press and image material on the Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Museum and the Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Gesellschaft. Should you have any further questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Friedrich Ludwig Jahn Society e.V. Schlossstraße 11, 06632
Freyburg (Unstrut)
General information
Here you will find basic information about the Fr.-L.-Jahn-Gesellschaft and the Fr.-L.-Jahn-Museum.
Pictures for the press
The photographic material is released for reporting purposes.
The picture credits are to be given as follows: Picture: Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Museum, Freyburg
Latest press releaseLatest press release
Stephanie Kaps appointed acting managing director of the Jahn-Gesellschaft
The Executive Committee of the Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Gesellschaft e.V. has appointed Stephanie Kaps (Großjena) as acting Managing Director with effect from November 10, 2023. Ms. Kaps has worked as assistant to the management at the Jahn Museum in recent years and was able to gain experience during this time, which will now benefit her as acting managing director.
The appointment of Ms. Kaps became necessary because Dr. Kuhn resigned from her position as Managing Director of the Jahn Society and Director of the Jahn Museum on 1 October 2023. Until this position is filled, Ms. Kaps will manage the office of the Jahn Society in Freyburg (Unstrut).
Older press releases
"Tönende Lebensansichten des Katers Murr" - concert & reading with culinary delights
download pdf11/2022
Dr. Josef Ulfkotte turns 70
download pdf08/2022
New presidium for Jahn Society
download pdf03/2021
Event "The Cold Rings. 1964 All-German to Tokyo"
download pdf 08/2022
Event: "He did right and spared no one" -Jahn's godson Franz Ludwig Meffert and his family.
download pdf11/2020
Jahn Museum is a place for the history of democracy
download pdf 08/2020
Freyburg's mayor strengthens the Jahn Society
download pdf08/2017
25 years Jahn Society
download pdf 08/2018
New management team
download pdf02_07/2017
The new "Jahn Report" is here
download pdf