• Buch: »Turnvater« Jahn und sein patriotisches Umfeld: Briefe und Dokumente 1806-1812
    • Buch: »Turnvater« Jahn und sein patriotisches Umfeld: Briefe und Dokumente 1806-1812
    • Book: "Turnvater" Jahn and his patriotic environment: letters and documents 1806-1812

    • As a look at existing biographies shows, individual phases of the life of the pedagogue Friedrich Ludwig Jahn (1778-1852)&hellip known as the "Turnvater Jahn";
    • As a glance at existing biographies shows, individual phases of the life of the pedagogue Friedrich Ludwig Jahn (1778-1852), known as "Turnvater Jahn", have received little attention from researchers to date. These include the years between the unsuccessful end of his student days in Göttingen and his early years in Berlin. The present collection of sources aims to shed light on these rather "dark years" by presenting hitherto largely unpublished…
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  • Buch: 111 Deutsche die man kennen sollte
    • Buch: 111 Deutsche die man kennen sollte
    • Book: 111 Germans you should know

    • History(s) from 40,000 years Do you know Georg Faust, Wilhelm Schickard or Uta von Naumburg? From Hildegard von Bingen, Goethe, Marx…
    • History(s) from 40,000 years Do you know Georg Faust, Wilhelm Schickard or Uta von Naumburg? Everyone has heard of Hildegard von Bingen, Goethe, Marx or Marlene Dietrich, they are part of the canon of German celebrities. Other "famous Germans" such as Gerhard Mercator, Samuel Hahnemann or Justus Liebig take a back seat to their work. And some have not really lived at all, but are…
    • 16,95 â‚¬
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  • Buch: 111 deutsche Weine die man getrunken haben muss
    • Buch: 111 deutsche Weine die man getrunken haben muss
    • Book: 111 German wines that you must have drunk

    • Germany's wine world is terrific - and terrifically confusing. This book reveals 111 real pearls. From all German wine regions Carsten…
    • Germany's wine world is terrific - and terrifically confusing. This book reveals 111 real pearls. Carsten Henn has collected amazing things from all German wine regions. For example, the Pinot Grigio killer from Baden, the archaeological wine from the Palatinate, the German Austrian or the wine that is not yet a wine at all. In terms of price, almost all wines range between 5 and 25 euros. And each…
    • 16,95 â‚¬
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  • Buch: 111 Orte an der Unstrut die man gesehen haben muss
    • Buch: 111 Orte an der Unstrut die man gesehen haben muss
    • Book: 111 places on the Unstrut that you must have seen

    • Which castle is full of eggs? Why is there a toothbrush monument? And where can you canoe almost to the…
    • Which castle is full of eggs? Why is there a toothbrush monument? And where can you canoe almost to your bed? Discover exciting, bizarre and beautiful things along the Unstrut-111 places that will surprise you.        
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  • Buch: 675 Jahre Lanz 1325-2000
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      Buch: 675 Jahre Lanz 1325-2000
    • Book: 675 years of Lanz 1325-2000

    • Our commemorative gift for the 675th anniversary of the first documentary mention of Lanz is a small, colourful festive gift, comparable to a bouquet, with selected…
    • Our commemorative gift for the 675th anniversary of the first documentary mention of Lanz, be a small colorful festive gift, comparable to a bouquet, bound with selected pictures and contributions. The community of Lanz, with its 7 villages, is half the size of the city of Hamburg, but has only 960 inhabitants. But one son of our village became famous all over the world: Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, born on 11 …
    • 3,50 â‚¬
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  • Buch: Albert Baur und die Kunst
    • Buch: Albert Baur und die Kunst
    • Book: Albert Baur and the arts

    • Albert Baur (November 12, 1803 - October 30, 1886) was a liberal patriot and dedicated contributor to the gymnastics movement. In Belzig…
    • Albert Baur (November 12, 1803 - October 30, 1886) was a liberal patriot and committed supporter of the gymnastics movement. In Belzig he introduced gymnastics, swimming and ice skating for young and old and founded several clubs and circles. He worked as a pastor in Belzig from 1836 to 1882. Much less known is his relationship to the fine arts. For the first time here…
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  • Buch: Carl Diem Ausgewählte Schriften
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      Buch: Carl Diem Ausgewählte Schriften
    • Book: Carl Diem Selected Writings

    • Volume 1: On the rationale of sport and physical education, 220 pages, Volume 2: Contributions to the development and organization of sport, 452…
    • Volume 1: On the Justification of Sport and Physical Education, 220 pages, Volume 2: Contributions to the Development and Organization of Sport, 452 pages, Volume 3: Travelogues, 312 pages. - Memories of the National Socialist takeover are numerous. The transition of sport into the 'new Reich' is generally left out. A chronologically comprehensive access to authentic material of a sports participant and observer…
    • 49,90 â‚¬
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  • Buch: Das Benediktinerkloster Sankt Johannes Baptista in Reinsdorf und der Weinbau an der unteren Unstrut
    • Out of Stock
      Buch: Das Benediktinerkloster Sankt Johannes Baptista in Reinsdorf und der Weinbau an der unteren Unstrut
    • Book: The Benedictine monastery of St. John Baptist in Reinsdorf and viticulture on the lower Unstrut river

    • The millennial jubilee of the Unstrut wine in 1998 was for the municipality Reinsdorf situated at the wine route Saale-Unstrut the…
    • The millennial jubilee of the Unstrut wine in 1998 was the occasion for the municipality Reinsdorf, situated at the wine route Saale-Unstrut, to assure itself of its own history and to become aware of its own part in the development of the Unstrut winegrowing and for this purpose the history and meaning of the Benedictine monastery St. Johannes Baptista…
    • 5,00 â‚¬
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  • Buch: Denkmäler für Turnvater Friedrich Ludwig Jahn
    • Buch: Denkmäler für Turnvater Friedrich Ludwig Jahn
    • Book: Monuments to gymnastics father Friedrich Ludwig Jahn

    • 150 years ago, on 15.10.1852, Friedrich Ludwig Jahn died, the founder of the German gymnastics movement, which had already become a tradition for its ancestor;
    • 150 years ago, on 15.10.1852, Friedrich Ludwig Jahn died, the founder of the German gymnastics movement, which attached the pseudonym "Turnvater" to its ancestor already during his lifetime. About Jahn's life and his historical importance exists today an extensive and manifold research literature, for the appearance of which alone several special bibliographies are available. From this inexhaustible body of literature, variable "images of Jahn" have emerged, taking up the cultural and political currents of the times. They…
    • 5,00 â‚¬
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  • Buch: Der erste Deutsche
    • Buch: Der erste Deutsche
    • Book: The first German

    • After 70 years of peace, many signs in Germany are pointing to a storm. There are arguments about words and values: people, nation, patriotism,…
    • After 70 years of peace, many signs in Germany are pointing to a storm. There are arguments about words and values: people, nation, patriotism, homeland, solidarity. Homeless people and dissidents are met with hatred and violence. What carries the common constitution of Germany from below? Who stands for it? One answer: the solidary association system, whose most popular founder is the "gymnastics father" Jahn. No German can be found more often in public…
    • 10,00 â‚¬
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  • Buch: Die Bildnisse F. L. Jahns
    • Buch: Die Bildnisse F. L. Jahns
    • Book: The portraits of F. L. Jahn

    • The Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Gesellschaft pursues the goal of researching the life and work of the founder of the gymnastics movement, interpreting his significance, as well as his…
    • The Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Gesellschaft pursues the goal of researching the life and work of the founder of the gymnastics movement, interpreting his significance, and preserving and disseminating his legacy. It runs the Jahn Museum in Freyburg an der Unstrut, which was founded by the German Gymnastics Association in 1894 and owns many other objects from the history of gymnastics in addition to files, letters and pictures of Jahn. …
    • 3,50 â‚¬
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  • Buch: Die Saale – Fluss der Grenzen und der Mitte
    • Buch: Die Saale – Fluss der Grenzen und der Mitte
    • Book: The Saale – River of the borders and the middle

    • Varied landscapes, towns and residences with a great past characterise the river valley of the Saale just as much as traditional schools, the…
    • Varied landscapes, cities and residences with a great past characterize the river valley of the Saale as well as traditional schools, the industry located here or important personalities such as Heinrich Schütz, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Carl Zeiss. The knowledgeable travel description from the source to the mouth invites with impressive pictures to explore the history and present of the cultural area. Important resources such as water, wood…
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  • Buch: Dokumentation zur Tagung „200 Jahre Turnen in Württemberg“ am 18. Mai 2016 in Calw-Hirsau
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      Buch: Dokumentation zur Tagung „200 Jahre Turnen in Württemberg“ am 18. Mai 2016 in Calw-Hirsau
    • Book: Documentation of the conference „200 years of gymnastics in Württemberg“ on May 18, 2016 in Calw-Hirsau

    • Hirsau, in the autumn of 1816: in the small Swabian town of barely 350 souls, something extraordinary happens: five young men find…
    • Hirsau, in the autumn of 1816: in the small Swabian town of barely 350 souls, something extraordinary happens: five young men get together to do gymnastics. The work of the founder of the German gymnastics movement, Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, "Die deutsche Turnkunst" (The Art of German Gymnastics), which had just been published in Lübeck in the spring, served as a model for them. They are "serious about the dear German fatherland", as they write in their gymnastics diary;
    • 14,50 â‚¬
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  • Buch: Freyburg /Unstrut: Ein Geheimtipp für alle die Genuss und Kultur verbinden möchten
    • Buch: Freyburg /Unstrut: Ein Geheimtipp für alle die Genuss und Kultur verbinden möchten
    • Book: Freyburg /Unstrut: An insider tip for all who want to combine pleasure and culture

    • The winegrowing town of Freyburg enchants with its wonderful location, the terraced vineyards with the winegrowers' cottages, the Unstrut and the historic townscape. The…
    • The small winegrowing town of Freyburg enchants with its wonderful location, the terraced vineyards with the winegrowers' cottages, the Unstrut and the historic townscape. The street system dating back to the 12th century with the two-storey houses made of limestone, the town church of St. Marien with its twin towers, the Eckstädter Tor, the town hall and of course the Rotkäppchen sparkling wine cellar, attract visitors every day. And which visitor can resist the…
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  • Buch: Freyburg an der Unstrut: Ein Katalog historischer Ansichten von den Anfängen bis 1950
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      Buch: Freyburg an der Unstrut: Ein Katalog historischer Ansichten von den Anfängen bis 1950
    • Book: Freyburg an der Unstrut: A Catalogue of Historical Views from the Beginnings to 1950

    • Surrounded by vines, rolling hills, forests, meadows and meadows lies the small romantic wine town of Freyburg on the banks of the Unstrut.…
    • Surrounded by vines, rolling hills, forests, meadows and meadows, the small romantic wine town of Freyburg lies on the banks of the Unstrut. High above the town you can see the Neuenburg, the sister castle of the Wartburg from the 11th century, from far away. Freyburg got its name from the Neuenburg, which allowed citizens to settle freely at the foot of the castle without paying taxes. High…
    • 14,50 â‚¬
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  • Buch: Friedrich Ludwig Jahn und die Gesellschaften der Turner – Wirkungsfelder, Verflechtungen, Gruppenpolitik
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      Buch: Friedrich Ludwig Jahn und die Gesellschaften der Turner – Wirkungsfelder, Verflechtungen, Gruppenpolitik
    • Book: Friedrich Ludwig Jahn and the societies of the gymnasts – fields of activity, interrelations, group politics

    • The scientific papers published in the present volume of the "Beiträge zur Regional- und Landeskultur Sachsen-Anhalt" are mainly…
    • The scientific papers published in this volume of the "Beiträge zur Regional- und Landeskultur Sachsen-Anhalt" (Contributions to the Regional and Regional Culture of Saxony-Anhalt) are mainly contributions which were held in the context of the discussions at the symposium organised by the Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Förderverein with the support of the Landesheimatbund Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. from 3 to 5 October 2003 in Freyburg a. d. Unstrut.    
    • 6,00 â‚¬
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  • Buch: Friedrich Ludwig Jahn Volkserzieher und Vorkämpfer für Deutschlands Einigung
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      Buch: Friedrich Ludwig Jahn Volkserzieher und Vorkämpfer für Deutschlands Einigung
    • Book: Friedrich Ludwig Jahn People's Educator and Champion of German Unification

    • Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, often known only as the "father of gymnastics", is presented in this short biography in his importance for the political development…
    • Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, often known only as the "father of gymnastics", is honored in this short biography in his importance for the political development in the first half of the 19th century. For this purpose, the author was able to draw on previously unknown source material about the young Jahn. His leading role in the transformation of student fraternity life appears in a new light.      
    • 12,00 â‚¬
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  • Buch: Geschichte des Turnens und Sports in Schlesien 1812-1989
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      Buch: Geschichte des Turnens und Sports in Schlesien 1812-1989
    • Book: History of gymnastics and sports in Silesia 1812-1989

    • German and Polish sports historians consider the gymnastics and sports history of the former German province of Silesia as a common heritage in the European House.…
    • German and Polish sports historians consider the gymnastics and sports history of the former German province of Silesia as a common heritage in the European House. In eight years of joint scientific research, they have succeeded in compiling the first comprehensive sports history of Silesia from its beginnings in 1812 to the end of World War II (German period) and further to the collapse of the communist system of rule in Poland in 1989…
    • 24,85 â‚¬
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  • Buch: Horst Bosetzky Turnvater Jahn: Ein biographischer Roman
    • Buch: Horst Bosetzky Turnvater Jahn: Ein biographischer Roman
    • Book: Horst Bosetzky Turnvater Jahn: A Biographical Novel

    • As "Turnvater Jahn" Friedrich Ludwig Jahn (1778-1852) became a German legend. Both energetic and eccentric, he dedicated his life to the…
    • Friedrich Ludwig Jahn (1778-1852) became a German legend as "Turnvater Jahn". Energetic and eccentric at the same time, he dedicated his life to the fight against the Napoleonic occupation and the idea of a German nation state. When he opened Germany's first public gymnastics centre in Berlin's Hasenheide in 1811, no one could have imagined that his ideas would be echoed in sporting activities throughout the…
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  • Buch: Münster – Die Stadt und ihr Sport: Menschen, Vereine, Ereignisse aus den vergangenen beiden Jahrhunderten
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      Buch: Münster – Die Stadt und ihr Sport: Menschen, Vereine, Ereignisse aus den vergangenen beiden Jahrhunderten
    • Book: Münster – The city and its sports: people, clubs, events from the past two centuries

    • In six large chapters this book, written by proven experts, leads through the development of sport in Münster from the…
    • In six large chapters this book, written by proven experts, leads through the development of sport in Münster from its beginnings under Prussian provincial administration, through the period from the foundation of the German Reich to the end of the First World War, the Weimar Republic and the Nazi period, reconstruction and a new beginning after 1945, right up to the present day. In the process, numerous unknown details came to light;
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  • Buch: Nach dem Turnverbot: Turnvater Jahn zwischen 1819 und 1852
    • Buch: Nach dem Turnverbot: Turnvater Jahn zwischen 1819 und 1852
    • Book: After the gymnastics ban: Turnvater Jahn between 1819 and 1852

    • The period between Friedrich Ludwig Jahn's arrest in 1819 and his death in 1852 is covered by the biographical-historical…
    • The period between Friedrich Ludwig Jahn's arrest in 1819 and his death in 1852 has so far been treated stepmotherly by biographical-historical research. This study attempts to clarify whether Jahn was indeed sidelined after his banishment from public life, after years of imprisonment and police surveillance, until his election as a member of the Frankfurt National Assembly in 1848. His…
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  • Buch: Olympische Gefühle oder als Arnold Schwarzenegger zum Stechen nach Essen kam
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      Buch: Olympische Gefühle oder als Arnold Schwarzenegger zum Stechen nach Essen kam
    • Book: Olympic feelings or when Arnold Schwarzenegger came to Essen for stabbing

    • Olympic Feelings is a book that shows sport from a slightly different angle than we usually get from the press and…
    • Olympic Feelings is a book that shows sport from a slightly different angle than we are usually used to from the press and television. "If utopias and visions arrive at the reader as satires, then the author actually has his stamp away quickly. The heretic and jokester of high level, who moves confidently on the field of excessive exaggeration, is admittedly always for…
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  • Buch: Reformation in Kirche und Staat
    • Buch: Reformation in Kirche und Staat
    • Book: Reformation in Church and State

    • Volker Pohlenz shows the architectural condition of the Torgau Castle Chapel at the time of its consecration on 5 October 1544. Elector and reformers…
    • Volker Pohlenz shows the architectural condition of the Torgau Castle Chapel at the time of its consecration on October 5, 1544. The Elector and the Reformers find themselves placed opposite each other at eye level centrally in the upper picture, and at the same time they integrate themselves into courtly society. The picture of an illustrious courtly society has been drawn, as it was not together at the dedication of the chapel;
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  • Buch: Rückkehr nach Olympia: Nationales Olympisches Komitee für Deutschland
  • Buch: Sachsen, Preußen und Napoleon – Europa in der Zeit von 1806-1815
    • Buch: Sachsen, Preußen und Napoleon – Europa in der Zeit von 1806-1815
    • Book: Saxony, Prussia and Napoleon - Europe in the period 1806-1815

    • The book covers the Coalition Wars; the founding of the Confederation of the Rhine and the simultaneous disintegration of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation; the Battle of…
    • The book deals with the Coalition Wars; the founding of the Confederation of the Rhine and the simultaneous disintegration of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation; the Battle of Jena and Auerstedt, 1806; Saxony's period of the Confederation of the Rhine; the Continental Blockade; the Peace of Tilsit, 1807, and two years later that of Schönbrunn; the Russian campaign; the alliance between Prussia and Russia; the reforms that took place and the uprisings and wars of liberation; finally, the establishment…
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  • Buch: Soll Deutschland sich an den Olympischen spielen beteiligen
    • Buch: Soll Deutschland sich an den Olympischen spielen beteiligen
    • ,
    • Book: Should Germany participate in the Olympic Games?

    • The founding of the Committee for the Participation of Germany in the Olympic Games on December 13, 1895 in the Berlin Hotel "Zu…
    • The founding of the Committee for the Participation of Germany in the Olympic Games on 13 December 1895 in the Berlin hotel "Zu den Vier Jahreszeiten" marks the birth of the Olympic movement in Germany and its institutional anchoring. With the publication of this book, the National Olympic Committee for Germany looks back at its origins and beginnings and makes a contribution to the history of the Olympic Games in Germany;
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  • Buch: Sport Eine kleine Geschichte
    • Buch: Sport Eine kleine Geschichte
    • Book: Sport A little story

    • The history of sport goes far back into Greek antiquity. Could the Greek poet Pindar in his Olympic…
    • The history of sport goes far back into Greek antiquity. While the Greek poet Pindar was still able to locate sporting competition in the vicinity of the divine in his Olympic Odes, this mythical connection was ground down and trivialized in the course of the following centuries. Today, sport has become an identity-forming way of life. Sport mobilizes the masses and the with…
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  • Buch: Sportgeschichte vernetzt
    • Buch: Sportgeschichte vernetzt
    • Book: Sports history networked

    • This conference volume documents the current initiatives of a contemporary approach to the cultural heritage of sport. The individual contributions illustrate and…
    • This conference volume documents the current initiatives of a contemporary approach to the cultural heritage of sport. The individual contributions illustrate and show ways in which sports archives and collections are maintained under different sponsorships, how archives and museums of sports history can serve as memory repositories, and how sports history can be preserved in a networked manner. The essays provide important impulses for stronger cooperation between sports archives, museums and collections both…
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  • Buch: Sportlerinnen schreiben Geschichte
    • Buch: Sportlerinnen schreiben Geschichte
    • Book: Women athletes write history

    • Sportlerinnen schreiben Geschichte is a book about graces and summit strikers, record holders and border crossers, whose biographies are also exciting beyond sport…
    • Sportlerinnen schreiben Geschichte is a book about graces and summit strikers, record holders and border crossers, whose biographies are exciting and inspiring even beyond sport. their stories come to life in portraits, self-testimonies and interviews, documenting important steps that women have taken on the path to equality in sport and society. Above all, however, they are very personal stories of women like…
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  • Buch: Straße der Romanik der aktuelle Reiseführer Sachsen-Anhalt
    • Buch: Straße der Romanik der aktuelle Reiseführer Sachsen-Anhalt
    • Book: Road of the Romanesque the current travel guide Saxony-Anhalt

    • "Romanesque Road" 65 stops to over 80 of the most interesting Romanesque monuments. With tips on hotels, gastronomy, cultural and service facilities…
    • "Road of Romanesque" 65 stations to over 80 of the most interesting Romanesque monuments. With tips on hotels, gastronomy, cultural and service facilities and other places worth seeing in Saxony-Anhalt.      
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  • Buch: Streifzug durch die Sportgeschichte: Festschrift zur Verabschiedung von Prof. Dr. Harald Braun
  • Buch: Turnen ist mehr – Patriotismus als Lebensform
    • Buch: Turnen ist mehr – Patriotismus als Lebensform
    • Book: Gymnastics is more – Patriotism as a way of life

    • This volume on gymnastics and club history summarizes the scientific-historical contributions presented at two symposia in 2010 and 2011 in…
    • The present volume on the history of gymnastics and gymnastics clubs summarizes the scientific-historical contributions held at two symposia in Coburg and Berlin in 2010 and 2011.      
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  • Buch: Ãœber das Turnwesen
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      Buch: Ãœber das Turnwesen
    • Book: About gymnastics

    • For centuries and until the gradual establishment of physical education teacher training at universities from the second half of the…
    • For centuries and until the gradual establishment of sports teacher training at universities from the second half of the 19th century, student physical education was what we would call university sport today. The history of student physical education is therefore also essentially a history of university sport.    
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  • Buch: Zwischen Kanzel, Turnplatz und Familie Albert Baut-ein Belziger Kirchenmann
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      Buch: Zwischen Kanzel, Turnplatz und Familie Albert Baut-ein Belziger Kirchenmann
    • Book: Between pulpit, gymnasium and family Albert Baut-a Belzig churchman

    • Albert Baur's childhood was during the time of the anti-Napoleonic wars of liberation. Part of the patriotic efforts of these years was the gymnastics movement, founded…
    • Albert Baur's childhood lies in the time of the anti-Napoleonic wars of liberation. Part of the patriotic efforts of these years was the gymnastics movement, founded and popularized by "Turnvater" Jahn. As a seven-year-old Baur is said to have approached Jahn on the street and asked if he could come to gymnastics. Thus the contact was established and from 1812 Albert visited the gymnastics place. In Jahn's writings Baur is…
    • 10,00 â‚¬
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  • Button: Frisch-Fromm-Fröhlich-Frau
  • Sachbuch: Deutsche Sportgeschichte in 100 Objekten
    • Sachbuch: Deutsche Sportgeschichte in 100 Objekten
    • Non-fiction book: German sports history in 100 objects

    • Sport lives from objects- pictures, objects, equipment, medals, jerseys, certificates, mascots, flags, badges, artwork, sports fields, stadiums... They are part of...
    • Sport lives from objects - pictures, objects, equipment, medals, jerseys, certificates, mascots, flags, badges, works of art, sports fields, stadiums... They are part of our everyday life and our culture. In the book, 100 stories of 100 selected objects from German sports history are told by experts. They show how colourful, diverse, dynamic and sometimes also puzzling and contradictory the history of sport has been.
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