Celebration of the revival of gymnastics after the end of the Second World War

To mark the occasion, the Gymnastics Association of North Hesse held a small celebration at the Jahn monument on the Schenkelsberg in Kassel-Oberzwehren. In his speech, the president of the Friedrich Ludwig Jahn Society, Dr. Josef Ulfkotte, explained the historical context and paid tribute to the commitment of the men and women who, in times of great hardship and deprivation, worked for a new beginning of gymnastics, games and sports. Following up on the speech of Federal President Richard von Weizäcker, which he held in 1985 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the liberation of Germany from National Socialist rule, he then addressed the topicality of Weizäcker's appeal to the youth: "Do not let yourself be driven into enmity and hatred against other people, against Russians or Americans, against Jews or against Turks, against alternatives or against conservatives, against black or against white. Learn to live with each other, not against each other. Let us, too, as democratically elected politicians, always take this to heart and set an example. Let us honor freedom. Let us work for peace. Let us abide by the law. Let us serve our inner standards of justice."

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