• Buch: Sachsen, Preußen und Napoleon – Europa in der Zeit von 1806-1815
    • Buch: Sachsen, Preußen und Napoleon – Europa in der Zeit von 1806-1815
    • Book: Saxony, Prussia and Napoleon - Europe in the period 1806-1815

    • The book covers the Coalition Wars; the founding of the Confederation of the Rhine and the simultaneous disintegration of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation; the Battle of…
    • The book deals with the Coalition Wars; the founding of the Confederation of the Rhine and the simultaneous disintegration of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation; the Battle of Jena and Auerstedt, 1806; Saxony's period of the Confederation of the Rhine; the Continental Blockade; the Peace of Tilsit, 1807, and two years later that of Schönbrunn; the Russian campaign; the alliance between Prussia and Russia; the reforms that took place and the uprisings and wars of liberation; finally, the establishment…
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  • Buch: Soll Deutschland sich an den Olympischen spielen beteiligen
    • Buch: Soll Deutschland sich an den Olympischen spielen beteiligen
    • ,
    • Book: Should Germany participate in the Olympic Games?

    • The founding of the Committee for the Participation of Germany in the Olympic Games on December 13, 1895 in the Berlin Hotel "Zu…
    • The founding of the Committee for the Participation of Germany in the Olympic Games on 13 December 1895 in the Berlin hotel "Zu den Vier Jahreszeiten" marks the birth of the Olympic movement in Germany and its institutional anchoring. With the publication of this book, the National Olympic Committee for Germany looks back at its origins and beginnings and makes a contribution to the history of the Olympic Games in Germany;
    • 5,00 â‚¬
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  • Buch: Sport Eine kleine Geschichte
    • Buch: Sport Eine kleine Geschichte
    • Book: Sport A little story

    • The history of sport goes far back into Greek antiquity. Could the Greek poet Pindar in his Olympic…
    • The history of sport goes far back into Greek antiquity. While the Greek poet Pindar was still able to locate sporting competition in the vicinity of the divine in his Olympic Odes, this mythical connection was ground down and trivialized in the course of the following centuries. Today, sport has become an identity-forming way of life. Sport mobilizes the masses and the with…
    • 4,00 â‚¬
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  • Buch: Sportgeschichte vernetzt
    • Buch: Sportgeschichte vernetzt
    • Book: Sports history networked

    • This conference volume documents the current initiatives of a contemporary approach to the cultural heritage of sport. The individual contributions illustrate and…
    • This conference volume documents the current initiatives of a contemporary approach to the cultural heritage of sport. The individual contributions illustrate and show ways in which sports archives and collections are maintained under different sponsorships, how archives and museums of sports history can serve as memory repositories, and how sports history can be preserved in a networked manner. The essays provide important impulses for stronger cooperation between sports archives, museums and collections both…
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  • Buch: Sportlerinnen schreiben Geschichte
    • Buch: Sportlerinnen schreiben Geschichte
    • Book: Women athletes write history

    • Sportlerinnen schreiben Geschichte is a book about graces and summit strikers, record holders and border crossers, whose biographies are also exciting beyond sport…
    • Sportlerinnen schreiben Geschichte is a book about graces and summit strikers, record holders and border crossers, whose biographies are exciting and inspiring even beyond sport. their stories come to life in portraits, self-testimonies and interviews, documenting important steps that women have taken on the path to equality in sport and society. Above all, however, they are very personal stories of women like…
    • 18,00 â‚¬
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  • Buch: Straße der Romanik der aktuelle Reiseführer Sachsen-Anhalt
    • Buch: Straße der Romanik der aktuelle Reiseführer Sachsen-Anhalt
    • Book: Road of the Romanesque the current travel guide Saxony-Anhalt

    • "Romanesque Road" 65 stops to over 80 of the most interesting Romanesque monuments. With tips on hotels, gastronomy, cultural and service facilities…
    • "Road of Romanesque" 65 stations to over 80 of the most interesting Romanesque monuments. With tips on hotels, gastronomy, cultural and service facilities and other places worth seeing in Saxony-Anhalt.      
    • 4,40 â‚¬
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  • Buch: Streifzug durch die Sportgeschichte: Festschrift zur Verabschiedung von Prof. Dr. Harald Braun
  • Buch: Turnen ist mehr – Patriotismus als Lebensform
    • Buch: Turnen ist mehr – Patriotismus als Lebensform
    • Book: Gymnastics is more – Patriotism as a way of life

    • This volume on gymnastics and club history summarizes the scientific-historical contributions presented at two symposia in 2010 and 2011 in…
    • The present volume on the history of gymnastics and gymnastics clubs summarizes the scientific-historical contributions held at two symposia in Coburg and Berlin in 2010 and 2011.      
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  • Buch: Ãœber das Turnwesen
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      Buch: Ãœber das Turnwesen
    • Book: About gymnastics

    • For centuries and until the gradual establishment of physical education teacher training at universities from the second half of the…
    • For centuries and until the gradual establishment of sports teacher training at universities from the second half of the 19th century, student physical education was what we would call university sport today. The history of student physical education is therefore also essentially a history of university sport.    
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  • Buch: Zwischen Kanzel, Turnplatz und Familie Albert Baut-ein Belziger Kirchenmann
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      Buch: Zwischen Kanzel, Turnplatz und Familie Albert Baut-ein Belziger Kirchenmann
    • Book: Between pulpit, gymnasium and family Albert Baut-a Belzig churchman

    • Albert Baur's childhood was during the time of the anti-Napoleonic wars of liberation. Part of the patriotic efforts of these years was the gymnastics movement, founded…
    • Albert Baur's childhood lies in the time of the anti-Napoleonic wars of liberation. Part of the patriotic efforts of these years was the gymnastics movement, founded and popularized by "Turnvater" Jahn. As a seven-year-old Baur is said to have approached Jahn on the street and asked if he could come to gymnastics. Thus the contact was established and from 1812 Albert visited the gymnastics place. In Jahn's writings Baur is…
    • 10,00 â‚¬
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  • Button: Frisch-Fromm-Fröhlich-Frau
  • Sachbuch: Deutsche Sportgeschichte in 100 Objekten
    • Sachbuch: Deutsche Sportgeschichte in 100 Objekten
    • Non-fiction book: German sports history in 100 objects

    • Sport lives from objects- pictures, objects, equipment, medals, jerseys, certificates, mascots, flags, badges, artwork, sports fields, stadiums... They are part of...
    • Sport lives from objects - pictures, objects, equipment, medals, jerseys, certificates, mascots, flags, badges, works of art, sports fields, stadiums... They are part of our everyday life and our culture. In the book, 100 stories of 100 selected objects from German sports history are told by experts. They show how colourful, diverse, dynamic and sometimes also puzzling and contradictory the history of sport has been.
    • 28,80 â‚¬
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